HELLO! We are a crazy team called 'English Crazy Club', founded in 2003 by a group of Liberal Arts students of Ubon Ratchathani University in the Northeast part of Thailand. Our crazy mission is to inspire students to learn more about English by organising ENGLISH CRAZY CAMP for primary and high schools in the rural area of Ubon Ratchathani and nearby provinces.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
English Crazy Postcard Project 2007

We were selling our street postcards...
We also sold our English Crazy T-Shirts...
If you are intersted in our postcards, you can visit www.englishcrazy-i-postcard.blogspot.com
Friday, July 20, 2007
English Crazy Camp # 22 Sangkha Wittayakhom, Sangkha, Surin
The camp went really well even though we all felt unconfident, because we went there without Aidan- our captain and MC. We all missed you, Uncle Aidan. The first day Nit and Join had to be MCs. They were very nervous, because they hadn’t done this position for a long time. Finally, they could do well and it was a successful job!!!! The children were very great. They were 100 representatives from Pathum 4-6. They were hyper active, talkative and crazy. They did very well even the rain couldn’t stop their craziness. In the afternoon of Saturday, it was raining cats and dogs, but the campers ran through the rain to rotate the rotation.
The happiness of the day hadn’t finished, because we had temple fair in the evening. The campers were very fun and excited buying some food and playing games. They really liked temple fair, because it was fun and they could get a lot of prices. The staff were also happy to give them fun even we were very exhausted. The last activity of today was Scavenger Hunt and the position as MCs of Nit and Join would be over tonight.
The last day of English Camp came again. It was the turn of Geng and Ang to be MCs!!!! At the end of English Camp we got a lot of fun. Two days camp could help them speaking English well, but it could inspire them to love English…All staff were impressed, because food was delicious, students were crazy and teachers were nice. We hoped that English Camp could inspire the campers to practice English and love English as the staff do.
Finally, our English crazy blood is still alert even we are exhausted….
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
English Crazy Camp #19, Si Muang Wittayakhan School
We were joined by 3 farangs, Scott from America who is a teacher at Si Muang Wittayakhan, Andrew from Scotland, a volunteer in Det Udom and Allen from England who is also volunteering in Det Udom. Along with our Uncle Aidan from Ireland, these guys made a full compliment of farangs. They were all native speakers but no two sounded the same. It was a great challenge for the campers to understand all of the various accents. Not only campers but also staff had another great opportunity to practise their listening skills and meet people their own age from around the world.
The campers were from 9 different schools and it seemed to take them a little longer than usual to warm up to the activities but by the end of day one, they were are happy and exhausted. As this was the second camp in a row for the crazy crew, a few ot tham were feeling a little tired too but that didnt stop the guys from having a little liquid refreshment before bed.
All three of the new guys were full of praise for the professionalism and organisation of the camp and also the level of English displayed by the staff. There were also rumours spreading about a possible night out together in Ubon sponsored by J.W. Red.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
English Crazy Camp # 18 Sangkha School, Surin
Of course our team led by Mom or Netting(One of the founder in English Crazy Club), Aidan, Nit, Join, Geng, Snooker, Knot(I’m not), Ang(Dancing girl), Ae, Suki and Amme. Instead of being the students in the university, we played in role as a crazy teacher in English Crazy Camp.This camp took on June 16-17,2007. The campers were from M.4-6 at Sangkha school which estimate 100 kids. All campers are in a secondary school.
On the first day, the campers were full with a high motivation, inspiration and a lot of energy. They were already to join our Crazy activities. Before run following four rotation, we let them get to know each other by playing Crazy International Greeting, Collecting coins, Basket and fish games. Campers enjoyed and participated well in our activities. At the end of the day, the campers did a very good job in the role-plays and they all came up with their own ridiculous ideas.
Although it was late at night on yesterday, capers were still alert. They enjoyed with a Treasure hunt which have to gain a lot of energy from campers and staffs also. No matter how exhausted they were, campers were very happy until the last minutes. How was the farewell like? All staffs said Good bye and gave a valuable suggestion to campers. At last, teachers at Sangkha school gave us the memorable gifts but it was not valuable as a good relationship from student. The most important massage from English Crazy Club hope that campers will realize how important English is…and love learning English is the way to be successful in the future…
- Amme *-*
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Bye-Bye Traveling Man: See You Until We Meet!
English Crazy Camp # 17 Patumratchawongsa, Amnatcharoen
Another historical enjoyment has been recorded again under the name of “English Crazy Camp 2007” by the English Crazy Club. Before the busy days of the university life would return again for a week, the university students from UBU (Ubon Ratchathani University), URRU (Ubon Ratchathani Rajchabhat University) and the our big brother, Aidan from Ban Khu Mumang school had another mission to build up confidence in using English for the 40 kids who were the representatives from each secondary school in Pratumratchawongsa and Senangkhanikom district, at Anuban Pratumratchawongsa School. The camp was held from 26-28 of May.
The whole three days and two nights camp was fulfilled by sensational events until the last minutes. When the entire days were ended up, the campers finally got back with the awareness of the importance of learning English and a big memory gap of the English Crazy Camp’s exiting atmospheres.
- Geng
English Crazy Camp # 16 Ban Dan School, Ubon
English Crazy Guesthouse 'CLOSED DOWN'
Well, after a couple of years and guests from, USA, UK, Ireland, Australia, Finland, Germany, Greece and many other countries, the English Crazy Guesthouse finally closed down on the 1st April 2007.
Netting and Tuan, co-managers of the busiest dorm in Ubon(probably the world) have left us and moved on. They are both now in the "real world" of holding down a full-time job and we wish them well in their careers.
As most of you know, the famous "guesthouse" was a non-stop hive of English Crazy activity. There was always somebody there, with a welcoming smile and a "Gin kao lu yaang?"
Many nights have been spent making name-tags, materials, helping younger students, chatting, eating. smiling, laughing and even listening to "Westlife" eeugh! It was even sometimes laughingly compared to a sweatshop workhouse because of some of the times "guests" were forced to make name-tags until the small hours of the morning.
Unfortunately all good things must come to an end, and the ECC guesthouse was no exception. We said goodbye to our friends but know that we will see them again and that the craziness that they created lives on..............
Goodbye English Crazy Guesthouse!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
English Crazy Camp # 15 - Ban Thalong, Ubon
March 10-11, 2007, BAN THALONG, KHONG CHIAM - In a typical English Crazy Camp, the kids who attend the camp are the most important part. But this weekend, the English Crazy Club held a camp without kids! Ban Thalong, a village on the eastern border of Thailand, hosted this weekend’s camp for Non-formal Education Students. These campers were adults from 18-40 years old, though some of them brought children of their own along to learn too!
The staff taught using the songs and games normally used for children’s camps, modified slightly for more mature students.
It may be surprising that so many adults would be really eager to dress up in clothes and model them while learning vocabulary about fashion,
or that they would be so energetic about tug-of-war, or races, or that they would sing “Hello, How Do You Do?” so enthusiastically,
but the campers and staff were all excited to participate, learn, and teach. In the “International Hello” game, 40-year-old participants were literally rubbing noses with each-other and with staff!
After a hot day of singing in English, learning, and English games, English Crazy Club staff and children from Thalong village took a sunset swim in the waters dividing Thailand and Laos- the beautiful Mekong River. When one can easily swim across physical international boundaries it is a reminder of how arbitrary these human-made borders are. Even locals couldn’t say at what point the Mekong’s waters belonged to Laos!
In the evening, students and staff danced, and performed “Crazy TV Shows’ around a blazing campfire. Some students advertised products and new inventions, others performed interviews with guitar players and Miss Universe contestants, and others informed the other campers about local weather conditions.
This weekend was spent learning English, and going CRAZY getting in touch with all of our inner-children!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
English Crazy Camp #14 - Ban Phachan, Ubon Ratchathani
4-5 March 2007, Ban Phachan, Pho Sai District, Ubon Ratchathani - Here we did it again, turning rural children's dream into reality with the English Crazy Camp, 10 Thai staff and Vermonter staff. A BIG thank you goes to the Montpelier to Thailand 3 (M2T3) who kindly sponsored this project!
I had an awesome time working with you guys! This camp was amazing and tons of fun. Pink team rocked and so did everyone else but pink was the best. This is an incredible program and such a great group of people. The kids loved the camp. I hoe I can see you all again soon. Stay CRAZY!!!
From Vermont, USA
English Crazy Camp Team,
The camp was a lot of fun. ‘Hello, how do you do’ will forever be the theme song of my nightmares for now on. The activities were organized, informative for the kids, exciting, and certainly…CRAZY.
Keep on keepin’ on,
Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your camp. I had a lot of fun and learned things too. Your program is SO helpful—the kids definitely learned while having fun! I wish we had the same type of thing for other languages in the USA. Thanks again!
English Crazy Camp,
I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep my energy “crazy” for two whole days, but the camp was very fun, and I had a really good time. Thanks for letting us help, and keep up the good work. Good luck in your futures.
<3 Kelsey P. Munge
Vermont, USA
Dear English Crazy team,
THANK YOU for including us in your camp! I had a lot of fun and I enjoyed being all your craziness! I was amazed by all the work you guys put into the camp…your enthusiasm was truly awesome! I hope you keep the English camps going, as I think the kids really enjoyed it! Good luck!
<3 Elena
English Crazy Camp,
It was nice to participate in the camp. I wasn’t sure If I could keep up the “crazy’ but I found that being with the kids helped me keep up my energy. I had a lot of fun. My rotation (shopping) was very entertaining. Thank you! And good luck!
Cassandra (Dada)
Dear English (Halta) Crazy Camp,
This has been an awesome experience that I will never forget! Thank you so much for running such an amazing program. The staff and kids alike were all ridiculously crazy. The things you do and accomplish are unbeatable. I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to hang out with you guys and learn so much. Even though all the teams were cool, blue was the best! J I work at a camp over the summer in America and even though those kids speak English, I’m sure to bring back all the fun songs, games, and memories you have shared with me. Remember to always keep sexy, cool, and crazy.
Julia (Gulia)
Dear English Crazy Club,
You all are AMAZING, the energy and the gift of enthusiasm you bring via your teaching is beautiful. It really works. I was astounded at just how much English the kids learned in only 2 days.
Thanks for joining us on the long hike; it was magical.
I look forward to the Thai Crazy Club in Montpelier, Vermont.
Dear E.C.C.
The level of craziness that you bring to the camp is really astounding. At first I was a little doubtful of your methods, but by the end of the second day the kids were really into it, it was amazing. It seems like for quite a few of the kids the E.C.C. was really where the inspiration to learn English began.
I wish you all the bet of luck in your efforts to make Thai children English Crazy.
What can I say? It was crazy! But it was fueled by the knowledge and passion and fun that was so contagious. It was b-e-a-utiful. Thanks so much for letting us be a part of it.
English Crazy Camp, March 2007, Baan Phachan
You truly inspire your campers- including your Montpelier, Vermont assistants. The energy and enthusiasm for learning and teaching is contagious! Thank you for including us and sharing your love for English. (Let’s start a Thai Crazy Camp!)
-Linda Wheatley
English Camp is Crazy!!
Gee Wiz Thank you for knowing how to turn great ideas into reality. What a gift to children! It was a blast to be a part of. Thank you for sharing it with all of us!!
Maybe again sometime,
English Crazy Camp,
Thank you so much for your energy. It was a great experience for us and for the children. The cap was so much fun and it was a great learning experience!
The English Crazy Camp was CRAZY!!!
I would do it again anytime. Not only do the kids learn stuff, I feel like I have learned a lot from them.
Xoxoxo Nipa (Nipaaaah)
Dear English Crazy Camp,
Thank you for a wonderful experience. You have all made something wonderful; I envy your energy and enthusiasm at all hours of the day. You are all truly a blessing to these kids- don’t stop.
Dear English Crazy Camp Crew,
Thanks for showing me the joy in peeling & shaking bananas, relocating poo to corresponding toilets, and keeping the kids cool & sexy. You guys are doing great things and making a difference while having fun the whole time! Thanks for making me a part of the craziness!
XO, Sophie
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The Story of English Crazy Camp!

ON FRIDAY EVENING, a team of ‘English Crazy Camp’ staff, packed with 10 Thai staff and farang staff, are heading off to a rural school in the dusty Isaan area. The staff are ready with their fully-charged batteries for their 2 –day crazy mission running an English camp for 100-150 lovely students. All activities are filled with both fun and academic knowledge that help students to gain a love for English.
The main activities are based on ‘crazy’ themes in order to make students feel relaxed enough to expose themselves to the language. Those crazy activities include: Crazy Couples, Crazy Races, My Crazy School and English Crazy Syndrome Show. At the first day of the camp, the students are nervous when they first see us, because we all speak English to them.
Hours later, they feel more relaxed because of the crazy games and songs that bring them so much fun and they are more confident to try and communicate with us for stickers. At the end of the camp nobody wants to go home, but we must leave and they are left with the inspiration to learn more English!