Wednesday, February 28, 2007

English Crazy Camp #13 - Ban Janaew School, Si Sa Ket

Our camp for Ban Janaew School was on the 10-11 Febuary. It was another success!

The Story of English Crazy Camp!

ON FRIDAY EVENING, a team of ‘English Crazy Camp’ staff, packed with 10 Thai staff and farang staff, are heading off to a rural school in the dusty Isaan area. The staff are ready with their fully-charged batteries for their 2 –day crazy mission running an English camp for 100-150 lovely students. All activities are filled with both fun and academic knowledge that help students to gain a love for English.

The main activities are based on ‘crazy’ themes in order to make students feel relaxed enough to expose themselves to the language. Those crazy activities include: Crazy Couples, Crazy Races, My Crazy School and English Crazy Syndrome Show. At the first day of the camp, the students are nervous when they first see us, because we all speak English to them.

Hours later, they feel more relaxed because of the crazy games and songs that bring them so much fun and they are more confident to try and communicate with us for stickers. At the end of the camp nobody wants to go home, but we must leave and they are left with the inspiration to learn more English!